This blog contains posts about self-harm, eating disorders, sexual themes and some other not-so-nice stuff. It may be triggering for some. You have been warned.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

... So I'm not single anymore

Yup, Little Miss Fuck-Up has a new fucked up fuck buddy. Well actually he's my boyfriend but I thought that sounded better. Let's call him F.

So F and I were together a little less that a year ago. It ended badly. Basically he started flirting with one of my friends over facebook, she told me and I fucked him out of my life. I know, doesn't seem like a big deal, but seeing as I'm so emotionally fragile it really screwed with my head, because he was the best relationship I've been in by far, but he flirted with my friend.

My skinnier, prettier, less emotionally unstable friend.

You'd think I wouldn't let him anywhere near me after something like that, but seeing as from about September onwards we started talking again, and he realised what an asshole he was, he changed. I even told him every little secret I'd never told anyone before, and he still wanted to be with me. So I took him back. I'm going to be spending Friday night with him for 3 hours at this Youth Club thing I go to, and then me, my friend N and the guy she's with (who's one of F's best friends) are going into Dublin Town for the day to loiter and be teenagers and stuff.

Maybe smoke a few joints depending on how the day goes.

So yeah, I'm not single.

I feel kind of good about that. Maybe things are looking up.

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