This blog contains posts about self-harm, eating disorders, sexual themes and some other not-so-nice stuff. It may be triggering for some. You have been warned.

Monday 4 March 2013

Exam Results

Sick of it. The whole thing: the lessons, the teachers, the students. Hate it. Hate it all.
I've gotten two C's in my exams so far, Maths and German. Only one B in music, and even that was a low B.
Guess what, I'm not so hungry anymore. And my thighs are itching for the bite of a blade. This is what school does to me.

Just found out I only got 51% on my Irish exam. I'm definitely going to cut tonight. Not going to eat though... Well I had a handful of crisps from my friend so I didn't call attention, but thats it.


Turns out I did eat, but not much.

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